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赵军 (北京师范大学 刑事法律科学研究院,北京100875) 
中文关键词:犯罪预测  现状  问题  趋势
Content Analysis of Crime Prediction in China
Abstract:Content analysis of treatises on crime prediction in CNKI reveals that there are mainly three causes for the backward situation of crime prediction in China. Firstly,the method for crime prediction in China is obsolete as a whole;Secondly, most part of these crime predictions are not designed properly for crime control practice;Thirdly,lacking contemporary views,large part of them cannot conform to main trends of the times in the field of crime prediction. Therefore,improving the method for crime prediction,intensifying relation between crime prediction and crime control practice,and conforming to international trends in this field should be the way in which the level of crime prediction may be raised.
keywords:crime prediction  current situation  problem  tendency
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