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张冠夫 (北京语言大学 人文学院北京100083) 
中文关键词:梁启超  新文化  文学  情感  诗学
The Construction of Modern Emotional Poetics in the Perspective of New Culture: Liang Qi chao’s re position of the “noumenon” and “function” of literature at early 1920s
Abstract:In the early 1920s, Liang Qi chao came back from Europe and actively participated in the New Cultural Movement and published a series of literary writings and lectures which were clearly different from his outlook on literature during the early “Three Boundary Revolution”. He emphasized the boundaries between emotion and sense, culture and science, and brought Poetics into the field of studies of Chinese ancient civilization by confirming the nature of emotional expression and publicizing the function of “Emotional education” in literature. With a comparison of Chinese and Western literature, he reinterpreted the Chinese traditional literature and his theory became the important carrier of “propagandizing new culture”, “training new talents” and “developing new politics”. Liang Qi chao’s new Cultural perspective manifested in his works built up a very inspiring and constructive relation relationship with the mainstream discourse.
keywords:Liang Qi chao, New Culture, Literature, Emotion, Poetics
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