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姜广辉 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:易经  “鬼谋”、“人谋”  筮占之书、说理之书
Yijing: from “Counsels of Spiritual Beings” to “Counsels of Men”
Abstract:The “counsels of spiritual beings” and the “counsels of men” are quoted from the “Xici ” of the Zhouyi. The meaning of the “counsels of spiritual beings” indicates inquiring to spiritual beings for advice on doubtful decisions and uncertain strategies. As for the nature of the Zhouyi, there are two kinds of opinions, i.e., considering the Zhouyi either a manual for divination or a book presenting particular theories. This article argues that the Yijing, one of the primary classics of Chinese culture, is a book systematically emulating and following the “theory of the world” with the form of doubling trigrams being its theoretical model. Each hexagram presents a theme. Compiling the verbal language of the hexagram and line statements and the structural language of the hexagrams, the sixty four concise essays of the “theory of the world” argue for the clear theories with rigorous logic and cover every corner of the world. They are wisdom stimulation and moral teachings. The entire classic is a totally pure theoretical analysis without any components of “apocalypse” or “tawakal.” Therefore, rather than a book of the “counsels of spiritual beings,” definitely, this is a book of the “counsels of men.” From this perspective, the culture of Zhou’s Yijing is a rational and tremendous advance from Yin’s culture of divination.
keywords:Yijing  “Counsels of spiritual beings”  “Counsels of men”  manual for divination, book presenting theories
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