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丁进 (安徽财经大学 文学院艺术传媒学院安徽 蚌埠233030) 
中文关键词:汉代  经学  师法  家法  章句
On Jiafa and Shifa in the Confucian Classics in Han Dynasty
Abstract:The shifa in the Confucian classics was the production that Confucius doctors were established by Wu emperor in Han dynasty.Focuses on a succession, the word Jiafa which could be called as Shifa or Zhangju appeared in the middle-later eastern Han dynasty. Focus on innovation, Shifa included classic text, article volume numbers and all kinds of interpretation of the text by masters. Exaggerate the difference does not conform to the actual situation.
keywords:Han dynasty  Confucian classics  Shifa  Jiafa  Sentences
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