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王云飞 (北京大学 哲学系北京100871) 
中文关键词:沈居士  论语  玄学  郭象
Research on Shen Jushi’s Commentaries to the Analects
Abstract:The commentaries of Hermit Shen (Shen Jushi) to the Analects composed in the Southern Qi dynasty include seven items which have never been subjected to scholarly research. This paper focuses on these seven items, and analyzes their relationship to Chinese metaphysics (xuanxue) and their significance for the history of the Analects. Most importantly, it argues that Shen’s commentaries continue the tradition of subtle thinking found in the Han commentaries, but were also deeply affected by xuanxue. They were influenced by the form and branches theory of Wang Bi, but they were even more strongly affected by the thinking of Guo Xiang. Shen continued to use the xingfen theory of Guo Xiang to explain the Analects and also developed Guo Xiang’s theory about the forest and court. Finally, it includes a textual comparison of these seven items in Huang Kan Lunyu Yishu in the Collection of the Essence of Confucianism 104 Volumne and Ma Guohan Yuhan Shanfang Jiyishu.
keywords:Shen Jushi, Analects, metaphysics, Guo Xiang
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