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陈敏,祝子丽,彭志云 (湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410079) 
中文关键词:中世纪  西欧  庄园会计
The Research on Manor Accounting’s Development and Environment in Medieval Western Europe
Abstract:Manor is one of the most important economic structure in Medieval Europe .The development of medieval Western European manor accounting appeared qualitative leap. There were great changes in the accounting of medieval manor in Europe, such as objectives, accounting organizations, accounting bookkeeping skills and so on. The development of accounting is not isolated. The main reason of the accounting development is independent politics and economic structures and development of business awareness. Different feudal centralization system, model of economic development and culture concept between East and West leads to different accounting development way.
keywords:medieval  Western Europe  accounting of manor
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