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陈国绪,和金生 (1.天津大学 经济与管理学部天津3000722.天津财经大学 人文学院天津300222) 
中文关键词:代工合作  知识学习  学习平台  学习机制  学习特征
An Analysis on the Platform, Mechanism and Features of Backward Enterprises' Learning in Manufacturing Alliances
Abstract:In this paper, I make an analysis on the possibility and effectiveness of backward enterprises' learning in manufacturing cooperation, and propose the related theoretical views including the platform (path) of subcontractor's knowledge learning and pattern SECI of comprehensive knowledge transfer from the perspectives of knowledge types and customer's will of knowledge transfer, and also propose the knowledge transfer and learning mechanism based on Manufacturing cooperation. Finally, I make an analysis on the transformation of learning content, subject and method of all the developing stages of subcontractor's technical capacity and evolution of organizational structure.
keywords:Manufacturing Alliances  Knowledge Learning  Learning Platform  Learning Mechanism  Learning Features
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