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何俊峰,郑怡,赖明勇 (1.湖南大学 经济与贸易学院湖南 长沙410082
中文关键词:效用模型  服务质量  拥塞控制  拥塞定价
A Utility Model based Network Congestion Pricing Strategy
Abstract:In this paper, we present a utility model based network congestion pricing strategy to optimize the resource allocation and avoid network congestion. This pricing strategy takes into account the dominant factors such as the buy prices and customer satisfaction to construct a utility model for network congestion control. Under constrained QoS conditions, the model exploits the mechanisms including interaction between supply and demand, and price adjustment, to take a trade off between the customer satisfaction and network performance. Optimal resource allocation and load balancing are achieved by adopting our model. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of our pricing strategy.
keywords:utility model  quality of service  congestion control  congestion pricing
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