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尹华光,费建杰,谢莎 (吉首大学 旅游学院,湖南 张家界427000) 
中文关键词:生态旅游  景区居民  利益感知  武陵源风景区
A Perception Research on the Residents' Benefits of Scenic Spot from the Perspective of Ecological Tourism——Acase study of Wulingyuan scenic zone
Abstract:The residents' benefit perception of scenic spot has a big impact on the sustainable development of the local tourism industry. This paper, based on the investigation of the residents' benefits of Wulingyuan scenic zone, analyzes the related statistics with the help of the software of SPSS by factor analysis method, and finds the variety of residents' benefit perception of scenic spot in different demographic characteristics is apparent, embodied in economy, culture and environment, etc. Hence, some suggestive proposals are put forward to the protection of residents' benefits of scenic spot.
keywords:ecotourism  resistant of scenic zone  benefit perception  Wulingyuan scenic zone
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