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盖光 (山东理工大学 文学与新闻传播学院山东 淄博255049) 
中文关键词:生态批评  生态世界观  复杂性结构  生态体验
Environmental World View, Method and Poetic Quality of Eco criticism
Abstract:Eco criticism not only manifests the literature explanation strategy, but also has the purpose of going beyond the text limitation, and intends to highlight the text, the external environment (nature, society, culture, human existence and so on) and the organic property of the relation between human and nature. Eco criticism practices environmental world view, develops the criticism principles in the field territory of life organic property and life activity relation, and advocates strongly environmental justice. The complexity and diversity method deals with the multiplicity of criticism object, multi level of relation, interweaving of the introversion and the extroversion, and criticism characteristic of multi disciplinary fusion, and edifies human's environmental experience. The poetic quality of eco criticism moistens the rhythm of life activity in human aesthetic experience, and shows life——poetic characteristic and significance of environmental experience.
keywords:Eco criticism  environmental world view  complex structure  environmental experience
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