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李玲 ( 中南大学 外国语学院 湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:睡谷的传说  历史书写  荒野意识
Historical Contexts and Wilderness Consciousness in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Abstract:Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a combination of history and imagination, as well as a literary text together with historical and natural contexts. Early colonial American history, Puritanism, American Independent War and European culture are all involved and this reflects not only early American history and ideology but also Irving’s historical consciousness and attitude to American Puritanism. Meanwhile natural depiction, portrait of the main characters, local people’s lifestyle and the application of similes with animal and plant names, all these make contemporary readers perceive Irving’s strong wilderness consciousness. The novel is multi layered in its textual connotation.
keywords:The Legend of Sleepy Hollow   historical contexts  wilderness consciousness
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