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李斌 (湖南师范大学 国际汉语文化学院湖南 长沙410081) 
中文摘要:湘语是全国十大汉语方言之一,是湖南最具代表性的一种方言。20世纪30年代至今,湘语保存的总体特点可概括如下:1.文字记录是主流;2.湘语音档是点缀;3.视频记录是空白。在湘语老派发音人尚存,湘语形态还比较完整的情况下,尽快着手进行数字化“湘语保存”的工作。在政府的大力支持下,在梳理已有湘语研究成果的基础上,通过全面、细致、科学的调查,遵循通用的技术规范,用多种技术手段把湘语的实际面貌记录下来, 并利用数据库、网站、方言博物馆等方式进行长期有效的保存和展示。
中文关键词:湘语  湘语保存  数据库  数字博物馆
On Xiang Dialects' Preservation
Abstract:Xiang dialect is one of the top ten Chinese dialects, is the most representative dialect in Hunan .The works of Xiang dialects' preservation could be summarized as follows: 1. writing down on paper is the mainstream; 2.voice recording is few ; 3. video recording is blank. We suggest that we should take actions to preserve Xiang dialect as the old people who can speak Xiang dialect are still alive. With the strong support of the government, on the basic of the fully and scientific investigation, complied with the technical rules to record Xiang dialects, we'll use Ipa,words,audios and videos to record the real situation and use the database, website and dialects museum to preserve and display for a long time.
keywords:Xiang dialects  xiang dialects preservation  database  digital museum
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