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王湘玲,胡珍铭 (湖南大学 外国语与国际教育学院, 湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:图式  释意学派口译理论  口译信息处理图式模型  口译认知过程
Constructing a Schema based Model of Information Processing in the Cognitive Process of Interpreting
Abstract:Based on the Interpretive Theory of Translation and the schema information processing mode, this paper proposes a tentative schema model of information processing for interpreting, at both a macro and a micro level, with a view to revealing the mechanism of the interpreters’ information processing in the cognitive process of interpreting. Results show that the interpreters’ background knowledge schema is continually activated in the interpreting process, storing and retrieving information in a bottom up as well as top-down mode, so as to accomplish a sequence of operations of comprehending, expressing, and making meaning in the in between.
keywords:schema  the Interpretive Theory of Translation  schema model of information processing for interpreting  cognitive process of interpreting
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