歌曲翻译之选择——兼论翻唱歌曲的流行对歌曲翻译的冲击 |
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引用本文:刘晓玲,谢玲利.歌曲翻译之选择——兼论翻唱歌曲的流行对歌曲翻译的冲击[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(5):111-116 |
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中文摘要:歌曲是文字和音乐相结合的综合艺术,其翻译不同于其他文体的翻译。当前翻唱歌曲的流行表明,传统翻译观的"信"或"忠实"已经受到挑战,歌曲的传播性和商业化会影响到译者的翻译选择。文章就歌词大意和具备可唱性的歌词译配两种主要类型及其优劣势进行了详细讨论,并结合南非世界杯宣传歌曲Wavin Flag的中文版《旗开得胜》,探讨了歌曲翻唱现象,指出针对依靠媒介载体传播、面向市场的歌曲文本不仅要考虑"忠实"的翻译观,还需满足歌曲翻译在特定场合的不同需求。 |
中文关键词:歌曲翻译 歌词大意 可唱性 翻唱歌曲 |
Choices in Song Translation——The Impact of Rewriting New Lyrics on Song Translation |
Abstract:Song translation involves language as well as music, which is different from translations of other genres. Especially against the backdrop when song remakes enjoy wide popularity, the explanatory power of traditional translation criteria like the faithfulness-targeted concepts seems limited. The multimodality of a song and commercial factors both influence the choices made by the translator. A detailed analysis of both methods in song translation is made, including translating the lyrics without taking the music into consideration and singable translations. The popularity of song remakes illustrated by Wavin Flag and its Chinese version shows that the target audience's tastes and the market demand should be taken into account on song translation. |
keywords:song translation meaning singability song remakes |
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