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胡彬彬 (湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:长江流域文化,佛教艺术  印度佛像  中印文化交流
The Study of the Ancient Indian’s Influence for Early Buddhist Images in The Yangtze River Basin
Abstract:The earliest Chinese figure of Buddha is the money tree Buddha which found in Chongqing in 125 A.D. and the earliest accounts of Buddha in north china are about 200 years later. This shows that Chinese statue in the first rise in the Yangtze River basin, and then Figure of Buddha art in the Silk Road and the Yellow River Valley are rised one after another. The early figure of Buddha along Yangtze River centralizes in Han and Jin dynasty, mainly influenced by Kushan Mathara schools in Ganges River valley of Ancient India. In the Southern Dynasty, the figure of Buddha In north China is more associated with the ancient southern India ,Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia.In that times,not only has the figure of Buddha of Sri Lanka was introduced into China, but also Liangwu Emperor sent People go to India for figure of Buddha. In addition to "thin looks" and "face short and colorful", there leaves a lot of figure with exotic emotional appeal.
keywords:Yangtze river culture  Buddhist art  India figure of Buddha  India and China cultural exchange
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