长江流域早期楼阁式佛塔形制特征 |
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引用本文:张同标.长江流域早期楼阁式佛塔形制特征[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(5):123-128 |
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中文摘要:长江流域的早期楼阁式佛塔,已知的考古实物,有长江上游的四川什邡在1986年发现中国最早的佛塔画像砖;在文献记载中,有长江下游的江苏徐州一带笮融“大起浮图祠”。考古文物与同期的文献记录相近,均为楼阁式木作建筑。什邡画像砖佛塔明显源于古印度西北广为流行的高层佛塔,中国佛塔是在此基础上依据传统的楼阁式建筑而发展起来的。基于信仰观念引导宗教艺术的看法,汉代神仙好楼居的传统思想,使得犍陀罗佛塔得以比附仙人所居的木作高楼得以在中国安家落户。宗教信仰的类同性,其重要性,远在单纯型制模仿改造之上,或许正是这一原因,使得楼阁式佛塔得以在中国广为传播。另外,什邡画像中与佛塔并置的三宝柱被辨识出来,同时也构成上述观念的一个重要证据。作为早期佛教艺术的珍贵文物,什邡佛塔成为研究中国早期印佛塔型制演变、中国汉代神仙信仰以及佛教初传中国的重大问题之间相互联系的纽带。 |
中文关键词:长江文化 什邡佛塔画像砖 楼阁式佛塔 窣堵坡建筑 犍陀罗艺术 早期道教 神仙信仰 |
Early Stupa in Type of Pavilion in China and it’s Origin |
Abstract:The earlist stupa image of brick in China is founded in Sichuan Shifang in 1986.It is closed to documentary just at that moment and is also wooden pavilion buildings. obviously , stupa image of brick in Shifang derive from High rise stupa which is popular in ancient east north india.Chinese stupa is based on this and developed according to the traditional pavilion buildings.According to the view of belief lead Religious art, the Traditional thought of celestial is fond of living in high buildings in han dynasty make gandhara stupa Settle down in China by attached wooden high rise pavilion buildings. In addition,triratna pillars which parallel with stupa was founded in image of brick in Shifang,also a important proof of the idea above.As a precious historical relic of early Buddhist art ,stupa in Shifang become a link between the major issues of Chinese early stupa’s type system evolution and immortality faith of Han dynasty and the beginning of Buddhism introduced into China . |
keywords:Stupa image of brick in Shifang Stupa in type of pavilion Stupa building Gandhara Art early Taoism Immortality faith |
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