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王成,吴增礼 (山东大学 政治学与公共管理学院山东 济南250100) 
中文关键词:忠文化  汉代  软实力
Research on the Loyalty Business and Cultural Means in Han Dynasty to Enhance National Soft Power
Abstract:The concept of “soft power” is products of modern western political science, but China has a long operating history. The prosperity of cultural soft power in the Han and Tang Dynasty is the successful model of guiding the country to prosperity through cultural soft power. The upgrading of soft power in Han Dynasty is through the path of managing loyalty culture to enhance the strength, cohesion, affinity, influence, and appeals. It inspires us to establish the core values of accuracy, to select the appropriate break points. Creativity in theoretical culture plays a decisive role in improving its soft power in the state.
keywords:loyalty culture  Han Dynasty  soft power
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