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马斌 (兰州大学 政治与行政学院,兰州730000) 
中文关键词:政府职能转变  制度创新  技术变革
Technology Change and System Innovation:The Route of The Government Functions Transform
Abstract:Currently, China is in the era of complex social transformation, which include economy marketization, politics democratization, society taking the people's livelihood seriously, culture diversification. So, China encounters complicated and profound problem in the field of society and economy. As superstructure, government institutions were forced to adjust the function location and the way of administration in order to adapt to the change of economic base and production relations. The author considers the factors, which determine and restrict government functions transforming, involve system as well as technology. Government functions transforming have to depend on technology changing in short period, and depend on system innovation. Only the overall consideration, supporting the reform, treating both principal and secondary aspect of disease, the reform can obtain actual effect.
keywords:government functions transforming  system innovate  technology change
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