民国舆论界论“知识分子”——以中间派刊物为主要研究对象 |
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引用本文:谭凯,陈先初.民国舆论界论“知识分子”——以中间派刊物为主要研究对象[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(5):137-141 |
摘要点击次数: 1046 |
全文下载次数: 112 |
中文摘要:“五四”以后,由于文化价值系统被打破、知识分子出现过剩现象以及不能在抗战时期上前线作战三个原因,使得舆论界开始关注知识分子的命运和出路。在民国时期中间派知识分子所办刊物中,民国舆论界大都认为“知识分子”都是有罪于国家和人民的。为寻找知识分子在新时代的转变和出路,舆论界在民国时期就喊出了“到人民当中去”的口号。民国舆论界认为知识分子到“人民”当中寻找出路的主张,直接为1949年中共建政后一系列知识分子政策的顺利推行做好了自身准备。 |
中文关键词:民国舆论界 知识分子 出路 |
Criticism of Intellectuals by the Publicity in Republic of China——Taking the publication of Middle Intellectuals as the main object of study |
Abstract:The publicity began to care about the destiny of the intellectuals after the May Forth Movement. Such public attention is attributed by three main reasons: the damage of the cultural value system; the overplus of the intellectuals; and intellectuals' inability to contribute in the warfare. In the newspapers and journals run by the middle intellectuals of the Republic of China, the publicity of that time believed the intellectuals to be “guilty” to the nation and the people. In order to achieve a real transformation in the new age, the intellectuals of the Republic of China embraced the idea of “being a member of the people”. While such a claim implicitly paved the way for the adoption of a series of new intellectuals' policies conducted by the Communist Party since 1949. |
keywords:Publicity in Republic of China Intellectuals way out |
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