泛娱乐化下的手机短信传播影响力研究——以“彩传盛世 情动湖湘”红彩信红短信制作传播活动为例
引用本文:徐勇.泛娱乐化下的手机短信传播影响力研究——以“彩传盛世 情动湖湘”红彩信红短信制作传播活动为例[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(5):142-146
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徐勇 (湖南日报报业集团湖南 长沙410005) 
中文关键词:泛娱乐化  手机短信  手机短信传播  社会影响力
The Studies under Pan Entertainment of the Influence of SME Spread——An Case Study of the Creation and Communication of Short Message
Abstract:The Hunan red multimedia message creation and communication activity chooses short message service (SMS) and multimedia message service (MMS) as an important communication channels of red culture.This activity makes a great success, because of two obvious reasons. The former is due to the highly popularization of mobile phone, and the latter is depend on the extremely desire of mainstream culture in current pan entertainment society. The SMS and MMS communication can enhance the cohesiveness of our nationality, make more people attending public events, regulate public emotions, and form cultures. It has several basic communication characteristics, including content familiarity, time occupation, and mode diversity. It will create profound and lasting public influence based on the split growth of disseminator and the bandwagon effect of audience.
keywords:Pan entertainment  SMS (MMS)  the SMS and MMS communication  public influence
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