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张永红,吴茵 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:犯罪  刑罚  罪刑关系  刑罚反制
Primary Study on The Reverse Restriction of Penalty to Crime
Abstract:On the relationship between crime and penalty, the academic circle always emphasizes the restriction of crime to penalty, but ignores the restriction of penalty to crime. Penalty can play a decisive role in the affirmation of crime that is the reverse restriction of penalty to crime. The basis of reverse restriction is the independence of penalty relative to crime, the dependence of penalty on crime, the complex connection between penalty and crime, the restriction of the penalty purpose to crime. The reverse restriction of penalty to crime is not only embodied in the criminal idea, but also embodied in the criminal legislation and criminal justice.
keywords:crime  penalty  the relationship between crime and penalty  the reverse restriction of penalty to crime
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