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刘细良,樊娟 (湖南大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:利用影响力受贿  独立罪名  立法建构
Analysis of Legal Principle Theory of Law about the Independent Legal Punishment of“Bribery by the Use of Influence”
Abstract:There are many differences between bribery by the use of influence and general bribery in nature and extension. The offenders should include those who are not national public servants but have close relationship with national staff and social influences,and the condition that the offenders use is social influence of non restricting relationship. This paper demonstrates the causes of independent legislation from theoretical and practical point of view by analyzing the nature of independence of bribery by the use of influence,and further proposes specific elements of legislative compositions to intensify anti corruption and provide a new perspective to strict our nation’s criminal law.
keywords:bribery by the use of influence  independent crime  legislative construction
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