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傅晓华,易果平 (1.中南林业科技大学社会科学部湖南 长沙4100042.中南林业科技大学党委办公室湖南 长沙410004) 
中文关键词:两型社会  新型工业化  唯物史观
On Historical Materialism of New Industrialization and Resource Conservation & Environment Friendly Society
Abstract:The new industrialization is a significant adjustment to China’s development strategy. Resource conservation and environment friendly society is the intrinsic unification. In development thought, it follows the Marxism regarding human and natural accord. In development target, it realizes the sustainable development toward true happy life of the people. On development power, it liberates productive forces. On the development path, it respects scientific progress toward industralization.
keywords:new industrialization  resource conservation & environment friendly society  historical materialism.
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