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邓洪波 (湖南大学 岳麓书院,湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:书院  学堂  改制  近代化
A New Insight into the Academic Transformation in Late Qing Dynasty
Abstract:The transformation from traditional academies into schools or universities is one of the three great reform projects in late Qing Dynasty, the other two being reforming traditional academies, and founding new ones. Although transformation actually replaces reforming and founding, and traditional academies are forced to change into schools or universities. We should still hold that the transformation of traditional academies is more of a compulsory political choice under special circumstances in late Qing than a necessity of historical development, which does not quite meet with the law of educational development. Traditional academies are both the basic and starting points of Chinese modern education. However, the transformation soon became abolition, which results in not only neglecting and ignoring the development of the 1,600 schools that originate from academies in historical nihilism, but also leading the Chinese modern educational system towards the road of continual westernization, more and more farther away from the Chinese tradition. Therefore, intense rebellion against the tradition and constant revolutions have become the most outstanding mark of the Chinese modern education.
keywords:academies  schools  transformation  modernization
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