湛甘泉的二业合一论及其影响 |
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引用本文:三浦秀一.湛甘泉的二业合一论及其影响[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(6):18-24 |
摘要点击次数: 1037 |
全文下载次数: 111 |
中文摘要:明朝正德到嘉靖年间,湛甘泉(1466-1560)在构想着“内外、心事”合一的理论时,提倡了将“德业”与“举业”统一的主张。虽然他的主张受到了当时士人的支持,王门的聂豹(1487-1563)和邹守益(1491-1562)也对它表示赞同,但他们俩尝试对其理论进行修订,提到了将内外合一的立场向内一方倾斜的看法。到嘉靖后半期,蒋信(1483-1559)和胡直(1517-1585)两人都关注着内外合一状态的实践主体与客体之间紧密关系,针对内外合一的理论尝试进一步深化。 |
中文关键词:湛甘泉 二业合一论 明代思想史 |
Zhan Gan-quan’s Theory of Practice both Cultivating Good Morals and Preparing Civil Examination at the Same Time and its Intellectual Influence |
Abstract:In the process of designing the unity of internal and external factors or mind and affair, Zhan Gan-quan advocated the practice both cultivating good morals and preparing civil examination at the same time during the Zhengde to Jiajing periods in the Ming Dynasty. While Zhan’s proposal was well received, Nie Bao and Zou Shou-yi who also endorsed it attempted to modify Zhan’s theory such as adopted a view paying attention to one’s inherent. At the latter half of the Jiajing period, as Jiang Xin and Hu Zhi reflected on the close relation between the subject and the object, Zhan’s theory evolved into a more developed philosophy. |
keywords:Zhan Gan-quan Theory of practice both cultivating good morals and preparing civil examination at the same time Intellectual history in the Ming dynasty |
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