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吴国武 (北京大学 中国古文献研究中心,北京100871) 
中文关键词:宋元  书院本  书院刻书  《书林清话》
A Brief Textual Criticism on the Block-Printed Editions from Shuyuan in Song and Yuan Dynasties
Abstract:The printing activity of SHUYUAN in Song and Yuan Dynasties received attention in academic circle. The essay mainly discusses about the block-printed edition and historical materials connected from SHUYUAN in Song and Yuan Dynasties according to SHU-LIN QING-HUA. On the base of above, the essay reconsiders the definition, the type of the block-printed edition from SHUYUAN in Song and Yuan Dynasties. The discussion will contribute to the study of the SHUYUAN’s history in ancient China and the bibliology about Chinese Classical books.
keywords:Song & Yuan dynasties  the block-printed editions from shuyuan  cut block for printing  SHU LIN QING HUA
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