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李兵 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:清代  书院  举人  科举  教育
A Probe into the Examination Taking Skills Education for Jurens in Qing-Dynasty Academies
Abstract:In Qing Dynasty, once a intellectual was appointed Juren,he would forfeit his qualification as a student to study in a state academy. But still a Juren would need to pursue his studies. For this reason, there were specialized academies for Jurens established by governments in various places. In addition to their other programs, there were some other state academies offered programs for Jurens in the Xiaolian system. Generally, those specialized academies and the academies offering additional programs for Jurens aimed to improve the examination taking skills of their students for the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations. Not only did their programs center around the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations, they also put more financial resources and attached more importance to the imperial examinations than other academies. Thus their students had better chances of passing the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations.
keywords:Qing Dynasty  academy  Juren  imperial examination  education
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