清代书院的举人应试教育初探 |
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引用本文:李兵.清代书院的举人应试教育初探[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(6):30-33 |
摘要点击次数: 1143 |
全文下载次数: 82 |
中文摘要:清代士子一旦中举,即失去了原有的官学学生资格,但举人仍有读书应试之需。于是,至清代晚期,各地出现由官府创建的专课举人的书院,专门招收举人,开展应试教育。与此不同,有的书院则兼课举人,并由官府设立孝廉课,专课举人。从总体上而言,专课举人和兼课举人的书院以培养生徒参加会试、殿试为目的,不仅在考课时模拟会试、殿试,而且在经费的投入、对考课的重视程度上,都超过了同一地区的其他书院,使肄业于书院的举人在竞争激烈的会试、殿试中脱颖而出的几率明显提高。 |
中文关键词:清代 书院 举人 科举 教育 |
A Probe into the Examination Taking Skills Education for Jurens in Qing-Dynasty Academies |
Abstract:In Qing Dynasty, once a intellectual was appointed Juren,he would forfeit his qualification as a student to study in a state academy. But still a Juren would need to pursue his studies. For this reason, there were specialized academies for Jurens established by governments in various places. In addition to their other programs, there were some other state academies offered programs for Jurens in the Xiaolian system. Generally, those specialized academies and the academies offering additional programs for Jurens aimed to improve the examination taking skills of their students for the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations. Not only did their programs center around the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations, they also put more financial resources and attached more importance to the imperial examinations than other academies. Thus their students had better chances of passing the metropolitan and the palace imperial civil service examinations. |
keywords:Qing Dynasty academy Juren imperial examination education |
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