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李学 (厦门大学 公共事务学院厦门361005) 
中文关键词:本土化  研究问题  研究方法  认同危机
The Limitation of Domestic Public Administration Basic Research Paradigm and Identification Crisis
Abstract:Since the public administration science has restored, It has been made great achievements, However, compared with other social science branches, the literature on public administration seldom accomplish effective academic and social influence, Academic production find it is very difficult to gain identification by large community; Because of lack of indigenous research and normal research methods, Besides the inanition of research problem, the public administration research production seldom provide academic production with high quality, which make the public administration face identification crisis. In order to walk out of this initialization stage, the public administration community must be fully aware of its underlying influence, try to solve the central problem in the main paradigm of public administration and improve the quality of the research production.
keywords:indigenous  research problem  methods  identification crisis
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