苏洵奇崛幽峭的古文风格 |
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引用本文:毛德胜.苏洵奇崛幽峭的古文风格[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2011,(6):78-81 |
摘要点击次数: 1576 |
全文下载次数: 98 |
中文摘要:不仅体现出纵横驰骤的奔放,也体现出奇崛幽峭的深峻。这种奇崛幽峭的特征既表现在文章内在的思想内涵上,又表现在文章外在的语言形式上。在文章创作上追求博采众长而又独树一帜的苏洵,不仅为文苦心经营,思致深刻,而且讲求风骨,笔力遒劲,语言上也追求新奇警策,不落凡俗,从而表现出自己独特的古文艺术风貌。 |
中文关键词:苏洵 奇崛 幽峭 风格 |
On the Unusual and Prominent Artistic Style of Su Xun’s Ancient Articles |
Abstract:The literary style of Su xun, not only manifests the free and easy of willful, but also manifests the profound of unusual. This kind of unusual and prominent article style both displays in the article intrinsic thought connotation, and displays in the article external language formally. Su Xun ,who Pursues taking the best and establishes a new school in the article creation, not only painstakingly plans for the article, thinks sends profoundly, moreover emphasizes the character, the style is powerful, in the language also pursues the novel and unique, not ordinary, thus displays the unique classical Chinese literature art style. |
keywords:Su Xun unusual prominent style |
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