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易永姣 (1.湖南师范大学 文学院湖南 长沙4100812.湖南城市学院 中文系湖南 益阳413000) 
中文关键词:经世思潮  《荡寇志》  兵治革新
The Practical Knowledge Thought Movement and the Thoughts about Renovation of the Army in Putting Down the Rebels
Abstract:Under the strong stimulus of peasant uprising and the Aggression of Western big powers ,during Jiaqing and Daoguang Dynasty,there was a practical knowledge thought movement. Yu Wan Chun concerned on the urgent social problems which needed to solve. He had done the reality research in the armament, the soldier's rations and pay, the military strength, and edited them to materials, and proposed the improvement programs by the novel form. Putting down the Rebels obviously displays his practical knowledge thought.
keywords:the practical knowledge thought movement  Putting down the Rebels  Renovation of the army
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