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焦敏 (广东外语外贸大学 英文学院广东 广州510420) 
中文关键词:莎士比亚  继承惯例  颠覆与抑制
Representation of Inheritance Customs in Shakespeare’s Comedies and Tragedies
Abstract:In many of Shakespeare’s plays, inheritance problems seem to have become one of the key forces prompting the plot development. Inheritance regulations on one hand reflect the social and political as well as economical power situation at that time, on the other hand promises the smooth transition of power and order. This article exams the representations of the inheritance regulations in Shakespeare’s comedies and tragedies from the perspectives of class and gender, and explores the changes of inheritance regulations in relation to those of the social and economical power. Meanwhile, through the exploration of the changes of the inheritance regulations as represented in Shakespeare’s plays, this article also aims at discussing the appropriateness of Stephen Greenblatt’s theory of “Subversion and Containment”.
keywords:Shakespeare  inheritance customs  subversion and containment
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