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康琼 (1.湖南师范大学 道德文化研究中心,湖南 长沙410081
2.湖南商学院 公共管理学院,湖南 长沙410205) 
中文关键词:中国神话  生态伦理意象    自然
On the Ecological Ethic Image of Chinese Mythology
Abstract:Chinese Mythology, including text myth and oral myth of Han and minority nationality, shows a variety of characteristics of simplicity and maturity. But in fact, the identification of the relationship between human and nature hidden behind the complex and varied Chinese mythology has some amazing resemblance. They are the explanation of the system of human and nature with the help of some specific forms, visual symbols and materials, which is the ecological ethic image of mythology. The restatement of ecological ethic image of Chinese mythology needs more attention to the material media inheriting and recording the literal text and highly concern of the language media using in folk stories, country songs and offering words from mouth to mouth. It also highly praises the effect of physical material and image material such as sculpture, painting, architecture, in the end avoids the affectation and distorted deformation brought by the intervention of modern thinking and category.
keywords:Chinese mythology  ecological ethic image  human  nature
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