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陈可 (1.中南大学 公共管理学院,湖南 长沙4100832.中南大学 人事处湖南 长沙410083) 
中文关键词:亚当·斯密  阿马蒂亚·森  贫困  道德  分配
The Common and Difference between the Poverty Theories from Adam. Smith and Sen
Abstract:Both Adam. Smith and Sen paid very attention to the issue of poverty. They all regard poverty as being serious social problem. In Smith's opinion, the problem could be solved by free market itself. While, Sen regarded that the society should work out the mechanism to guarantee the human rights. Both of their theories offered us the effective way to deal with current relative social problems in our country.
keywords:Adam. Smith  Amartya Sen  poverty  morality  distribution
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