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刘丽 (湘潭大学 法学院湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:税权  征税权  用税权  税收  收入权
Interpretation of the Taxation Power in the Context of Constitutionalism: Notion Reconstruction or Thoroughly Overhauling
Abstract:The taxation power involves the power to destroy,the taxation power used legally will benefit people, on the contrary, it is evil. At the present, there are divergent views about the taxation power, which make taxpayer blurred eyes of surveillance. The correction interpretation of the taxation power in the context of constitutionalism is the taxation power including the power to tax, the power to tax income and the power to use tax. Such interpretation will help taxpayers look after their own "pocketbook" at the same time, and, ultimately, control of the taxation power effectively.
keywords:the taxation power  the power to tax  the power to use tax  the power to tax income
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