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詹王镇 (河海大学公共管理学院江苏 南京210098) 
中文关键词:拆迁安置  私人财产权  公共利益  政府角色  补偿
On the Protection of Private Rights under the New Regulations on House Expropriation
Abstract:The violation of private rights is quite common in present urban house expropriation. In order to appease and resolve the social conflicts, protect the individual legitimate rights and interests, and promote peace and harmony in urban construction, through studying defects of the new regulations on house expropriation and reviewing and learning the successful cases of expropriation in foreign countries, this paper presents some suggestions to improve New Regulations on House Expropriation, strengthen legal education and perfect the intermediation and disposal of disputes over compensation and resettlement for expropriation.
keywords:expropriation and resettlement  private property right  public interests  the role of government  compensation
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