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朱前星,山永福 (1.中南财经政法大学 法学院,湖北 武汉 430073
2.玉林师范学院 法商学院,广西 玉林537000) 
中文关键词:司法话语权  评判  要素
The Evaluation Factors of Judicial Discourse
Abstract:Right, which is in the judicial justice in the process of expression and behavior for participants qualification. The so-called judicial discourse right over the evaluation factors that constitutes the judicial discourse right how to judge right as the judicial premise, the base, core concept of elements such as diversity, equality and rational; How to judge right exercise judicial process, such as public interest, civil society and participate in the different function of; How to judge the quality of the judicial discourse right exercise, such as judicial consultation, judicial consensus and legitimacy results, and so on.
keywords:judicial discourse  judge  elements
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