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熊正德,韩丽君 (1.湖南大学 工商管理学院湖南 长沙410082
2.湖南大学 两型社会创新基地湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:长株潭城市群  两型社会  金融支持体系  金融市场
Constructing Financial Support System to Promote the Development of Two-Oriented Society in Changzhutan
Abstract:“Two-Oriented” industry is the core of “Two-Oriented” social construction. Improving the Changzhutan City Group’s traditional financial system and creating a favorable financing environment are primary tasks in the “Two-Oriented” social construction. The development of financial support system in Changzhutan two-oriented society is a systematic project, in which government, financial institutions, capital market should participate. Based on the status quo of financial system and the distinguishing feature of Hunan, it is necessary to pilot boldly.
keywords:Changsha, Zhuzhou and Xiangtan city group  two-oriented society  financial support system  financial market
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