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向世陵 (中国人民大学 哲学院 北京100872) 
中文关键词:心之本体  知觉  心统性情  未发已发
On ZhuXi's Hearf of Bochy and hot Issued
Abstract:Discussing the mind based on the perception is the beginning of the problem of the benti (substance) of mind which focuses on the evil or virtuousness when the benti appears. The sense of mind relating nature with feelings is to interpret the entirety from the substance to its functions. The mind’s self-understanding mixes seeking truth with realizing goodness. From the feelings’ pre-arousing to arousing, human cultivated states impact finally on the existing value of benti. The perfectness of conscience relies on the appearances of the benti of mind or nature leading for the full feelings of compassions.
keywords:benti of mind, perception, mind relates nature with feelings, pre-arousing and arousing
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