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曾春海 (台湾中國文化大学 哲学系,台灣 台北11114) 
中文关键词:朱熹  理一分殊  冯友兰  新理学
A Comparative Study of LiQi theory of Zhu Xi’s “Universal Variety” and Feng Youlan s New Confucianism
Abstract:This article aims to conduct a comparative study of the metaphysically four core concepts of Feng Youlan’s New Confucianism, namely, Li, Qi, Dao body, and Completeness, and the corresponding concepts of Zhu Xi’s philosophy. Deeply influenced by Anglo-American logical analysis approach, Mr Feng considered it as a positive method of metaphysics. In this way he made a brand-new interpretation of the corresponding metaphysic concepts of Zhu Xi, claiming that it is not copying but consecutive research with the attempt to develop a new set of Chinese philosophy of metaphysics. Separated but not split, Zhu Xi's Li and Qi are of organic relation. Zhu Xi’s philosophy “something out of nothing” described the highest nature of metaphysics of “Tai Chi” with “infinite”. Mr Feng’s concepts of Li, Qi, Dao body are all shaped from Noumenon, which are incompatible with Zhu Xi’s organic cosmology. Mr. Feng’s split of reality and the practical (phenomenal world) are not compatible with Zhu Xi’s cosmology of Li residing within Qi. However, his attempt of introducing western neorealism to reconstruct New Confucianism and his research results are greatly contributive to the development Chinese traditional philosophy, providing new horizon, new thinking approach, and new interpretation method.
keywords:Zhu Xi  Universal Variety  Feng Youlan  New Confucianism
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