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钱晓宇,李怡 (北京师范大学 文学院 北京100875) 
中文关键词:郭沫若、 神话、民俗、文艺思想
Myth World: A Mirror of Guo Motuo's Early Literary and Art Thought
Abstract:Myth World is Guo Moruo's only literary paper which takes the relations between myth andliterature as the central topic. Its particularity and the typical nature are self-evident. It not only manifests Guo Moruo's literary & art thought in his early time, is also the important document about the poet's direct discussion on the relations between myth and literature. According to the reality of Guo Moruo's contemporary creation, Guo Moruo's objective and unbiased attitude in Myth World to the valuable propositions such as the concept of myth, the relations among science, myth and folk custom , the conformity of foreign myth resources and so on demonstrates that Guo Moruo never rigidly adhered to the popular conclusion. Deep analysis on Myth World is the important basis of inspecting Guo Moruo's literary and art thought about relations between his myth thought and special characteristics of poems in the early time.
keywords:Guo Moruo  myth  folk custom  literary and art thought
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