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徐安住 (河海大学 法学院,南京210098) 
中文摘要:案例的实证分析能够检验和深化理论研究,能够突出司法认定的难点并提供参照的释疑思路。对《刑事审判参考》28个自首案例的分析得出如下结论:自首的本质是犯罪人主动提请司法机关追诉,自首从宽处罚的根据是节约司法资源的功利价值和给与罪犯亲友的人文关怀价值。自首成立要件中必须包含接受审查裁判的要素,二要件和三要件没有本质差异。主动性的理解偏重分析行为人有没有主动投案的可能性,并不是局限于 “未被讯问”、“未被采取强制措施”的狭义理解。供述自己罪行的认定服务于实体法意义的定罪量刑,主要犯罪事实就是构成要件事实,包括基本犯罪的构成要件事实和加重处罚的构成要件事实。亲友介入的非典型自首认定依赖对自首本质的领会。
中文关键词:自首本质  自首要件  自动投案  如实供述  非典型自首
Legislative Conclusions on Some Difficult Problems About Surrender Policies    ——Based on Analysis of 28 Exemplary Cases in <Criminal justice Reference>
Abstract:Analysis of real cases can help examine and deepen theoretical studies, expose problems difficult for legislative conclusions, and provide referable path of thoughts for solving the problems。 By analyzing the 28 surrender cases in <criminal justice reference>, the following conclusions can be made: the nature of surrender is that the offender gives himself up and ask for prosecution,leniency on surrendered offender is based on both the material savings of legislative resources and the humanistic value in caring for the relatives and friends. Conditions necessary for justifying a surrender case must include the element of accepting investigation and judge,and conditions 2 and 3 are essentially no different from each other. Legislative understanding of initiativeness focuses more on the possibility for the offender to give himself up, but is not limited to narrow concepts like “not interrogated” or “no forceful measure taken”. Statement of one’s own offense serves the purpose of conviction and measurement of penalty in the sense of substantial law. Main criminal facts constitute the necessary conditions, including basic constituting facts and highly punishable constituting facts. Conclusions on non-typical surrender cases involving relatives and friends will rely more on understanding of the essence of surrender.
keywords:essence or nature of surrender  necessary conditions of surrender  surrender  factual statement  non-typical surrender
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