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張壽安 (台灣中央研究院 近代史研究所台灣 台北11529) 
中文关键词:清代  新義理學;徽州;戴震;程瑶田;淩廷堪
The Rise of Huizhou Confucian Philosophy in Qing Dynasty and its Importance——A Geographical and Cultural Observation
Abstract:The New Confucian Philosophy in Qing Dynasty was mainly founded and developed by Huizhou scholars, and it was a formation of the basic axis in search of the target of the object of pursuit from Dai Zhen, Cheng Yaotian to Ling Tingkan. This article discusses the reasons with the elements of human geography, era and study style. It explains in three directions: one is the geography and the characteristics of study style of Huizhou; the second is the attitude of Qianjia scholars' Confucian philosophy; the third is the rise of Huizhou Confucian philosophy and its characteristics.
keywords:Qing Dynasty  New Confucian Philosophy  Huizhou  Dai Zhen  Cheng Yaotian  Ling Tingkan
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