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彭雪开 (湖南工业大学 湘东历史文化研究所湖南 株洲412007) 
中文关键词:醴陵地名  楚越、乌程  山陵、稻酒  县治迁移
Research on the origin of the Place Name LiLing
Abstract:Chu overcomed Yue at the end of the warring states. A branch of the descendants of Wu Chen shi form Yue moved to the north of Lu Rier and Dong lu Mountain in former Liling county,both belonging to the present Liling city.The obtaining of the name Liling is closely related to this.In the fourth year of Gao Hou of the Western Han Dynasty,(Liu)Yue,the assist to Chang sha marquis was assigned marquis of Li ling .Thus the place name Liling goes down in Chinese history.In the first year of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25) Liling county was established, belonging to Changsha prefecture.During Jian Wu Zhong Yuan and Yan Guang of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the city government moved form the ancient city Zhong San Zhou to the present address.Since then、the region of Liling county remains unchanged.
keywords:Place name Liling  ChuYueWuchen  movement of the county government rice wine  from hilly regions
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