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吴建雄 (中南大学 法学院湖南 长沙210083) 
中文关键词:社会管理  检察功能  检察品质
The innovation of social management function and the quality of the prosecution
Abstract:Prosecution as an important function of the state, is to strengthen the social management the important way, is also the social management important way, or the realization of effective social management is the important guarantee; attorney has to resolve conflicts, standardize and guide the people behavior, the maintenance of social order, to supervise and restrict the power, promote rule or policy formation and other important functions. On the innovation of social management, the procuratorial organs need to develop the service overall situation of initiative, duty heavy as a mountain of urgency, the heart fastens masses of the people, the standard executes the law consciousness, management innovation initiative, aggrandizement quality unremitting character
keywords:Social management  Procuratorial function  Inspector quality
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