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张玲 (中国政法大学 国际法学院,北京100088) 
中文关键词:冲突法  婚姻家庭  立法
The Latest Developments in China’s Legislation of Conflicts Law For Marriage and Family
Abstract:The Law on the Application of Law for Foreign related Civil Relations of the People's Republic of China, adopted on October 28, 2010, has made a breakthrough and gained development in several aspects, a real milestone in the Chinese legislative history of private international law. As far as the legislation of the application of law for international marriage and family is concerned, the improvements are mainly as follows: further expansion of the regulating object; more flexibility added to conflict rules; the doctrine of the autonomy of the parties demonstrating respect for and protection of private rights; and the introduction of the principle of safeguarding the interest of the weak which declares the pursuit of substantive justice inherent in conflicts law.
keywords:conflicts law  marriage and family  legislation
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