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易玲 (湘潭大学 法学院 湖南 湘潭411105) 
中文关键词:移送机制  行政保护  规则  检察监督
On the Transfer Mechanism of Suspected Criminal IPR Cases in Administrative Law Enforcement Organs
Abstract:In mode of “dual track” in the IPR protection . The transfer mechanism is the most important problem in the engagement. In practice, IPR administrative law enforcement authorities often don’t transfer the case even they constitutes a crime for various reasons. To cope with this situation, a series of policies have introduced, but it doesn’t fundamentally solve the problem. The reformation lies in improving information sharing mechanism, clearing the standard of the case, achieving a smooth transformation of the evidence and improving the transfer of administrative law enforcement organs of the specific cases of suspected criminal IPR.
keywords:Transfer Mechanism  Administrative Protection  Regulation  Prosecutorial Supervision
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