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邱梦燕 (湖南大学 岳麓书院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:仪式意义  语言意义  颂教
Ethical Training by the ZhouSong in the Early Days of Zhou Dynasty
Abstract:The Songs originates from Prayer and blessing language. It not only has ritual significance,but also concrete language meaning as well as guides emperor and aristocrats. The ZhouSong and Shangshu carried the similar thoughts,and they led the prime directions of spirits during Zhou dynasty. The Songs influenced us from the Zhou dynasty. It embodied by perform and illustration during ceremonies, and by recite and illustration and talking about the ancient during the teaching. We supposed that The ZhouSong was a classic in the early days of Zhou dynasty.
keywords:ritual significance  language meaning  ethical training by the ZhouSong
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