日本幕末、明治时代两部《论语》新疏的校勘学成就 ——《论语集说》与《论语会笺》
引用本文:石立善.日本幕末、明治时代两部《论语》新疏的校勘学成就 ——《论语集说》与《论语会笺》[J].湖南大学学报社会科学版,2012,(4):44-48
摘要点击次数: 1034
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石立善 (上海师范大学 哲学学院上海200234) 
中文关键词:日本儒学  四书学  安井息轩  《论语集说》  竹添光鸿  《论语会笺》
Textual Criticism Achievements on the Two New Commentary Books of The Confucian Analects in Bakumatsu and Meiji Dynasty——from the Confucian Analects Variorum and the Confucian Analects Annotations
Abstract:The two new commentary books of The Confucian Analects were published in succession in Bakumatsu and Meiji Dynasty. One was The Confucian Analects Variorum (YASUI sokken), and another one was The Confucian Analects Annotations (TAKEZOE koukou). The two books have been very important works in Japanese Confucianism history or even in the whole Confucian analects history, and the authors (YASUI sokken and TAKEZOE koukou) have been famous Confucians at the same time. But in Chinese academic circles, most people didn't know their existence for a long time. Yet in Japanese academic circles, followers and related studies were rarely. Actually, YASUI sokken devoted considerable attention to The Confucian Analects Variorum and finished it at the end of his life, as to TAKEZOE koukou, whose book was a proud work which completed by a long-term Revise and edit. So far, however, that almost studies on The Confucian Analects Variorum and The Confucian Analects Annotations have neglected their textual criticism achievements. The Confucian Analects Variorum was not involved at all, and The Confucian Analects Annotations was only cited by its inter-collated version. This paper aims to study Collating attitudes, collating methods and details of the two books, and tries to discuss their merits and demerits, similarities and differences, and significance in Japanese textual criticism history.
keywords:Japanese Confucianism  Si-Shu-Xue  YASUI sokken  The Confucian Analects Variorum  TAKEZOE koukou  The Confucian Analects Annotations
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