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陈银珠 (重庆大学 法学院重庆 400044) 
中文关键词:保守  激进  立法  民意  理论
The Conservation and Radicalness of Criminal Law Amendment Ⅷ:Legislation, Public Opinions and Criminal Theory
Abstract:The conservation and radicalness of legislation depends on the legislative attitudes of the public opinions and criminal theory. The legislation is radical because of the lack of theory consensus and conservative because of not meeting expectations of theory consensus. The legislation is radical because of subjecting to public opinions and conservative because of sticking to public opinions. The Amendment Ⅷ reflects conservation on the abolition of death penalty and radicalness on the criminalization of dangerous driving and not paying for wages maliciously. The legislation should deal with the relations between criminal theory and public opinions, balance conservation and radicalness.
keywords:conservation  radicalness  legislation  public opinions  theory
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