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肖灿 (湖南大学 建筑学院湖南 长沙410082) 
中文关键词:秦汉  出土文献  土地测算  数学  抽象化
Measurement, Calculation of Fields and the Mathematical Abstraction Process in Qin and Han dynasties——According to the Excavated Documents
Abstract:These excavated documents have provided us new materials to study early Chinese mathematical development including Wooden tablets “Regulations for field measurement” excavated from a tomb of Qin period in Qingchuan , Bamboo slips Statutes and edicts of year 2 (of Empress Lü) and Book of mathematical procedures excavated in the 247th tome of Han period in Zhangjiashan (Zhangjia mountain) , Mathematics collected in Yuelu Academy, “Slips of River dykes” collected in Art Museum , The Chinese University of Hong Kong , by analyzing the content which is about measurement and calculation of fields involved in these Excavated documents. According to them, we can deduce out the mathematical abstraction process profoundly during Qin and Han Dynasties.
keywords:Qin and Han periods  excavated documents  measurement and calculation of fields  mathematics  abstract
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